Following contacts established during the Asiablight seminar, a first mission was organized in India in November 2019 and CARAH participated in the Global Potato Conclave organized in India at the end of January 2020 with the support of AWEX.


Although the Covid has postponed all the planned missions, the collaboration with the start-up SoilSens (Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai) has continued and has enabled the setting up of two weather stations in potato growing areas of Gujarat (North-West India) and initial coding work on the warning system by the Indian partner. The system is under development.


Infos au service Agronomie Internationale


Rue dPaul Pastur, 11
7800 Ath

François Serneels


Maxime Bonnave



Le Rwanda en images

Le Rwanda en images

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Nos agronomes au Rwanda

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Rapport d’activités 2021

Rapport d’activités 2021

Pour tout savoir sur les activités du CARAH en 2021, consultez le rapport d’activités Rapport d'activités 2021

Rapport d’activités 2020

Rapport d’activités 2020

Pour tout savoir sur les activités du CARAH en 2020, consultez le rapport d'activités RAPPORT D'ACTIVITE 2020